Thousands of happy British customers | 3m+ Barcodes in circulation | 10,000+ scans each day

Barcode Prices

This page shows the barcode prices for our most common barcode products. Click on the links to purchase.

Barcode Prices (barcode prices include barcode images, barcode registration & guarantee)

Quantity Price per Barcode (buy barcodes here)
1 £26 each
2 £25 each
3 £24 each
4 £23 each
5 + £20 each
10 £17.5 each
15 £16 each
20 £13 each
30 £11 each
40 £10 each
50 £9 each
75 £8 each
100+ £4.95 each
150 + Please contact us.

Barcode Images

Images for EAN-13 (or UPC-A) barcode numbers not purchased from our company.

Also, for other types of barcodes: ISBN or ISSN barcodes (books & magazines), QR Codes, ITF-14 Carton Codes (GTIN/TUN), Code 128 and Code 39.

Quantity Price per image (buy images here)
1 £15.00
2 £12.50 each
3 £10.00 each
4 + £8.00 each


Images for EAN-13 (or UPC-A) barcode number purchased from our company.

Quantity Price per image
1 + £3.00
5 + £2.50 each
10 + £2.00 each
20+ £1.50 each
30 + £ 1.00 each


Barcode Registrationbarcodes database final image cropped 300x102 1

This is included in the barcode packages but can be purchased if you have an ISBN number or have purchased barcodes through another company. All our barcodes can be seen on

Quantity Price per Barcode
1 + £ 15.00 each
5 + £ 13.00each
10 + £ 11.00 each
20 + £ 10.00 each
30 + £ 8.00 each
50 + £ 7.00 each


Buy barcodes



“Hi David, Thanks for your prompt response, and for sending on the barcodes- it’s much appreciated!” Kirsty G

“Great, many thanks David. I know a few other companies who would be interested in your services, so I will spread the word. The fees with companies like GS1 are so excessive. Thanks for offering this service and wishing you a Merry Christmas.” Jason S

Barcode Prices – Barcode1 UK




Look here for CD barcodes, DVD barcodes, ISBN book barcodes and ISSN magazine barcodes.