Retail Barcodes

Showing all 4 results

  • CD Barcodes – including barcode number, barcode images, barcode registration & guarantee certificate.EAN-13

    Instant delivery – Our automated system will email the barcodes to you within a few minutes – your unique EAN-13 CD barcode number(s), barcode images (in 4 formats), barcode registration instructions and a Guarantee Certificate. (Please check your junk mail box if you can’t find it)

    Quantity Price per Barcode
    1 £ 26 each
    2 £25 each
    3 £24 each
    4 £23 each
    5 + £22 each
    10 + £19 each
    15 + £17.50 each
    20 + £13.50 each
    30 + £11 each
    40 + £10 each
    50 + £9 each
    75 + £8 each
    100 + £7 each
    150 + Please contact us.


    * (Please check your junk mail box if you can’t find it)

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  • DVD BarcodesEAN-13

    Includes barcode number, barcode images, barcode registration & guarantee certificate.

    Instant delivery – Your unique EAN-13 DVD barcode number, barcode images (in 4 formats), instructions for barcode registration, and a Guarantee Certificate will be emailed to you automatically straight away.

    Quantity Price per Barcode
    1 £ 26 each
    2 £25 each
    3 £24 each
    4 £23 each
    5 + £22 each
    10 + £19 each
    15 + £17.50 each
    20 + £13.50 each
    30 + £11 each
    40 + £10 each
    50 + £9 each
    75 + £8 each
    100 + £7 each
    150 + Please contact us.
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  • EAN-13 Retail Barcode PackagesEAN-13

    Instant email delivery

    If you buy a barcode package from us below, you will receive the following:
    1. A unique EAN-13 barcode number
    2. Barcode images (in 4 different formats: jpeg, png, SVG & pdf)
    3. A guarantee certificate
    4. Free Barcode Registration on the International Barcodes Database.

    Quantity Price per Barcode
    1 £ 26
    2 £ 25 each
    3-4 £ 24 each
    5 + £ 20 each
    10 + £ 17.5 each
    15 + £ 16 each
    20 + £ 13 each
    30 + £ 11 each
    40 + £ 10 each
    50 + £ 9 each
    75 + £ 8 each
    100 + £ 7 each NOW ONLY £4.95 each
    150 + Please contact us.
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  • UPC Retail Barcode PackagesUPC barcode packages

    Instant email delivery

    If you buy a UPC barcode package from us below, you will receive the following:
    1. A unique UPC-A barcode number
    2. Barcode images (in 4 different formats: jpeg, png, SVG & pdf)
    3. A guarantee certificate
    4. Free Barcode Registration on the International Barcodes Database.

    Quantity Price per Barcode
    1 £ 26
    2 £ 25 each
    3-4 £ 24 each
    5 + £ 20 each
    10 + £ 17.5 each
    15 + £ 16 each
    20 + £ 13 each
    30 + £ 11 each
    40 + £ 10 each
    50 + £ 9 each
    75 + £ 8 each
    100 + £ 7 each NOW ONLY £4.95 each
    150 + Please contact us.


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